Rhodes Scholar Tung builds off her wrestling drive
Photo: Madison Tung, who will study as a Rhodes Scholar in Oxford, England, attended the Air Force Academy. Note: This column appeared in the April 11, 2019 issue (V25, I6) of WIN...
Klingman: Usually, it takes 10 years to achieve excellence
Photo: John Peterson (left) and Lee Kemp first excelled in the state of Wisconsin before excelling on the World/Olympic stage in freetyle. Note: The following column appeared in the Feb. 15 issue...
Wrestling family helped Wolk deal with Florida tragedy
By Sandy Stevens Photo: Jason Wolk (center) spoke to teammates of the Majory Stoneman Douglas High School team prior to the team’s district tournament last February. This was shortly after a...
Klingman: Margin of victory should have a bigger team impact
By Kyle Klingman Photo: In addition to winning both a third NCAA title and second Hodge Trophy, Penn State’s Zain Retherford dominated foes with a 17.2 point differential, a new index WIN...