Free August 2020 USA Wrestler digital magazine edition now available

USA Wrestling, the national governing body for wrestling in the United States, has posted the August 2020 Digital Edition of its membership magazine USA Wrestler for the wrestling community to enjoy.
Click here for the August 2020 USA Wrestler Bonus Digital Edition
This digital edition is available free for all USA Wrestling members, as well as anybody in the wrestling community and general public who would like to read and enjoy the content.
USA Wrestling and its publishing partner WIN Magazine came together to design this 57-page digital magazine. The use of the digital magazine format allows USA Wrestling to create a more interactive publication, which includes the ability to click images to see a variety of videos and websites.
In-depth features on National Team wrestlers Jordan Burroughs, Robby Smith and Victoria Francis are highlighted in this edition, as well as coverage of wrestling events held this summer, including the Western States Championships, the Rumble on the Rooftop and the Flowrestling Dake vs. Chamizo card.
USA Wrestling reached out to a number of sponsors and partner organizations to help create stories and video content for the expanded publication. Joining WIN as special contributors to the edition are Flowrestling, Trackwrestling, the National Wrestling Hall of Fame and the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee. WIN Magazine features on high school and college wrestling, as well as columns from top wrestling leaders, are also included in this edition.
Also included are many of the regular features that USA Wrestling members enjoy, including athlete profile stories, columns, training tips, coaching advice, a photo contest, puzzles, exciting action photography and more. There are graphics that link to 19 different video features in this edition alone.
USA Wrestling is reaching out to the entire wrestling community, asking everyone to try out the digital edition and enjoy its many feature articles, video links, photos, puzzles, advertisements with interactive links and videos and more. You are encouraged to send the information to anybody who loves wrestling for them to enjoy.
USA Wrestling’s most recent previous digital edition was the May 2020 USA Wrestler, which featured Olympic gold medalist Helen Maroulis on the cover. In fact, there are currently 61 past editions of USA Wrestler presented in a digital format for fans to enjoy online.
Click here for USA Wrestler digital edition archive
• Readers will be able to click on a link from their computer or smart phone to go directly to the May 2020 USA Wrestler digital edition
• Complete navigation instructions are available for users when they enter the digital edition.
• Readers can scroll through the magazine, starting on the cover, reviewing two-pages at a time, and can go back and forth in the magazine, or go directly to a specific page.
• In the table of contents, if you click the title of the story, it takes you directly to that page.
• You can click on the headline of any story and it will give you the entire article in a larger and easier to read font.
• Every single URL in stories or advertisements are live, and take readers to that specific website.
• You can click specific photos or graphics that will take you into an online video or website.
• Those who wish to zoom in can pick their desired reading spot and font size or click the PDF button, and open the document as a pdf. Readers can also download the pdf version of the magazine to their computer to enjoy offline.
• Readers can also print off the magazine, either from the digital version or the pdf, if they prefer reading a printed version on paper.
• Inside the Digital Edition, readers will also find easy access to the last 60 issues of USA Wrestler in the Archives section
• There are many other features that readers can try out while in the issue.
Click below for the August 2020 USA Wrestler Digital Edition