
Training Technique of the Week: Partner Stand-ups

Updated: November 1, 2011

By Scott Goodpaster

The Partner Stand Up is a total body exercise and could be used as a conditioning tool on the mat.

Bottom wrestler Tommy Kimbrell starts on his hands and knees.  He steps up with one leg at a time and finishes up in a tall position.

Top wrestler Josh Parrett hooks his arms under Tommy’s armpits and will squeeze Tommy’s hips with his legs holding on for dear life.

Partner Stand Ups are a great exercise to develop strength getting off the bottom while the top wrestler works on his clinching, core, grip, and leg strength.  Notice how both wrestlers are engage at the same time.

Special Notes:

  • • It’s Imperative to have a partner that weighs the same
  • • Make sure to alternate legs on the stand ups
  • • Perform three sets of 10 reps


(Scott Goodpaster, CSCS, is the Director of Cincinnati Functional Fitness, an MMA Certified Strength & Conditioning coach and nationally recognized in the field of strength & conditioning for wrestlers.)